Friday, December 30, 2011

On the walls of my brain

Sometimes, a girls just gotta vent.
p.s. this blog was made so that I can write my thoughts and feelings down.
so, if you dont like them don't read it. sincerely, me.
1. My family, is absolutely amazing and I am having a fantastic time up here in the small town of heber stranded in this cabin. Really, I am.
But here's the thing. Im also a teenage girl. With friends. That I highly enjoy to be with. Especially on new year's eve. At parties. Which I will infact not be attending this time around. I agree, it stinks. but lets make the best of this right?
2. There's this boy. That really likes me. and I really liked him. But guess what? im a teenage girl. And I tend to change my mind. OFTEN. So when I tell boys I want to take it slow and that I DO NOT want a boyfriend, I tend to mean it. I usually don't say things that I want to go unheard. But guess what fellow bloggers? Boys dont always pick up everything you put down. So when you say "lets take it slow" They think, lets push a little harder so I can get this girl to fall in love with me. So they want nothing to do with the whole taking it slow thing. But guess what everybody!? Thats not what I meant. At all. We literally mean it. Because when you go all Gungho on us.. it usuall tends to..turn us away, not on.
3. Why does my cousin just so happen to have the same name as my past lover. (that im over. I promise.)
*which by the way! we're friends again. And sometimes we even talk to eachother. Just to talk. Not even to fight. Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting for this day to come? I missed talking to him like this. without hesitation just saying what I felt. Just because I needed someone to talk to. This is the way it should have been a really long time ago. But hey! I'm not complaing.* It stinks having that little bugger around the cabin though, because everytime someone calls his name a slideshow of the best months of my life starts in my head. But atleast now its in a positive matter and its not like a knife wrenching through my heart...;)
4. Dancing. really dancing. I miss it. like crazy. Yelling "YAH!" oh "HUH" in the middle of a dance, is not normal. And definitely not normal, real dancing. And who ever made it up probably has something highly wrong with them. Because im pretty sure dancing was not made to scare the crap out of your audience everytime you kick your leg. Therefore, don't be mad I might not be doing drill next year. Dont get me worng, I love all the girls and my coaches and I am so grateful for everything they do for me, But I just think that drill is not for me.
I am an artist. Not a robot.

p.s. I am super sorry that this was so long.

1 comment:

  1. i really really like this. everything about it. just bt dubbs. :)
