Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's been a while. Lets catch up:)

this, is love if i have ever seen it. 
Reasons why:
New semester, with FANTASTIC classes
I have been playing with tim lee and mason harris a ton lately and it makes beyond happy.
Vikettes are going to state!!! TOMORROW.
Maddy got her license!
I had my last 6a.m. today
I have worn my hair down 3 times this week. and its only thursday. Thats a new record.
I found new music that.. im kinda in love with.
Lately maddy has been getting mad at me because i talk to too many people in the hall. i couldn't think of a better thing to get criticized for. 
Maddy is basically my sister and best friend which is perfect.
Flirting is the best thing ever.
I lasted an entire day at school in 6 inch heels.
I came into Computer tech 45 minutes late but i brought Carter a raspberry fritter and didnt even get marked tardy. He's a champ.
I went rock climbing for young womens and almost died of laughter with Rebecca due to me shaking like a wet dog while climbing up the wall... bhahahaha

I think that pretty much sums that up as of right now. 
~yours truly

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