Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love what you've you got

Today in young women's we talked about self worth and learning to love your self.
My absolute favorite lesson every time!
Everyone deserves to smile.
Your reflection does not define your worth.
We all need to recognize the talents and gifts that god has given us to work and bless with on this earth.
"For all have not every gift given unto them, for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the spirit of god. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby." Doctrine & Covenants 46:11-12
If we take full advantage of our gifts we will all be unstoppable.
I like looking at this topic as loving yourself rather than recognizing your talents. Both are important but I believe the foundation to happiness is recognizing your own self worth. Put your self in situations with people and things that make you happy. Don't waist your time on things that pull you down.
Everyone deserves to be happy no matter what the circumstance. You are worth more than you now. Your value is the product of your thoughts. Don't miscalculate your self worth by multiplying your insecurities. When comparing your weaknesses to someone else's strengths you will never win.
What does a self loving person look like?
-Out going
-Extremely kind
-Head held high (NOT COCKY)
-Open to loving others
- Willing to compliment
We all could do better at each of these. Im not saying you have to be perfect at all of them or even any of them. I just have learned from past experience that these things when active in my life make me a happier person and my "light" shine that much brighter. I want you guys to get one thing out of this. SMILE. It pulls you up. Make yourself your own. And never forget that you mean the world to someone.
"Butterflies don't know the color of they're own wings, but human eyes know how beautiful they are. Likewise you don't know how good you are, but others can see how special you are"
                           Jesus said love everyone, that includes yourself

A smile is BEAUTIFUL.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

You and I walk a fragile line.

Alright everybody, here we go with the love story of my life:)
I'm in love with him.
I have been since the moment I saw him walk through that door on the first day of school, at a new school may I add. He made my stomach flip into one bazillion summer salts pretty sure thats not how you even spell that. anyways, I knew that he was gonna have a big part in the next chapter of my life. And I now know that he thought the same thing the second that he saw me:) how? he reminded me everyday for seven months:) the best seven months of my life. 
 I'm getting ahead of myself. When I met him he had a girl friend and I figured the most we would ever be was best friends. Which was hard but I accepted it for what it was because all I wanted was for him to be happy. And he was happy with the girl he was with and I never wanted to take that away from him. I found someone else and I was happy with him but I always found myself thinking about this first day of school boy. Let's call him Cannon:) I couln't stop day dreaming about Cannon in class, having him the Star of my dreams night after night, being the reason I got ready every day, and all of the other cheesy stuff girls feel when falling in love. So as you may have guessed, I called it off with this other boy, waited around a month, was sitting at lunch one day and Cannon walked up to me with the biggest smile on that cute face of his and told me that him and his girlfriend had broken up and with in about three weeks me and Cannon were together. At first it was hard because I could tell he still had feelings for his ex and it broke my heart cause I felt like I would never be as up there in his mind as she was. But time went on and me and Cannon slowly but surely fell in love with each other. Some people disagreed with it and girls were jealous, but thats what happens when prince charming is in love with you and proudly shows it to the rest of the world. Everyone could tell how we felt about each other. A second didn't go by when I was with him that I didn't have the biggest smile on my face. He made me laugh in a way that no one else could. I was the happiest girl in the world. I would come home from dance with messages on my phone saying "Tiff, I love you:) never forget that I will always be faithful to you and I will never hurt you:)" and "I'm in love with you Tiffany:) where would I be without you?:) you are my greatest gift from God:) you are the reason I love:) I think about you every second of every day and I dream of holding you every night:) I love you:) I will hold you forever;) forever and always:)" I wrote every single one down. He was straight out of a nicholas sparks book. It couldn't have gotten any better. At least that's what I thought and then one day he decided to grant me with my first kiss. I couldn't have been happier. I didn't want to share something like that with anyone else but him. He made me happy and I truly believed that we were in love. I asked him sometimes if he had said the same things to other past girlfriends but he always said that he would never because he had never felt the same about anyone else in his life. That I was it. It was exactly what I wanted to hear and he knew it. This happy romance that we had with the most precious of kisses exchanged lasted for months and I truly believed that this was how I was going to spend the rest of my life. And I couldn't have been happier with it. It was so easy and flowed like a fairy tale. 
But this story doesn't end the way I would have wanted. Summer came and the first month was absolutely amazing. But once july came around that was the dreaded month. We both knew it was coming but neither of us wanted it to. I had to leave. I was gone for the entire month. We both believed that with as strong of a love that we had for each other we would get through and august would come and we'd go on loving. But things don't always go as planned. While I was gone, I forgot what it felt like to have him by my side loving me. And I thought that I wasn't in love with him anymore. It broke my heart, but I told him because I felt like he deserved to know. I didn't text him that thinking that a break up would come out of it, but it did. And I was heart broken, but he was too. And that was the worst part. I had broken the love of my life's heart. He wanted me back and he clearly let me know, but i still wasn't home and I didn't realize how I really felt about him so I turned him down. A countless number of times. When I got home, of course we played, he was still my best friend and we wanted each other in our lives  but we didn't realize just how hard that would be. Because like the old saying says, "It's easier to turn friendship into love than it is to turn love into friendship" there is so much truth to that. We decided that we would wait till high school to get back together but that was always the plan, to get back together, (at least it was mine, but he had other things in mind) I thought that he would always be there and I could just go on as I pleased, and once I wanted him back he would be there with open arms, but oh how I was wrong. 
High school came around and he found a new girl. A girl with the cutest personality, the most beautiful smile, blonde hair, and such a strong spirit. Everything I knew he wanted. I was heart broken and I couldn't do a thing about it because I broke his heart first. I felt a lot of resentment towards this girl and him because they ruined this beautiful picture that I had painted in my head for our future. I still couldn't do anything. It was my fault and I knew it. We stopped talking, it was to hard when I knew that he had another girl floating around in his head as well. But he was happy and that was all i wanted. For a while I didn't even consider him an acquaintance let a lone a friend. But the new girl was so freaking cute and nice that I started/ do like her. A LOT. isn't that the worst when you adore someone you wish you didn't? Anyways, we've started talking.. kind of. And he still tells me I'm beautiful but not in the same way. I miss him like crazy. He's different. Completely different than he was when we were together. I miss the sweet Cannon that was always there for me and willing to love everyone no matter what. But he isn't here anymore and I just have to deal with it. I can honestly say that I'm over him and I don't want him back. But, I am more than grateful for everything that he taught me and for the person that he made me become. I love him and I always will. 
Wether we like it or not, We all have our hearts broken at one point. But the real struggle is how you learn to deal with it. Even when it's hard, smile, laugh and still love. My young women's leader once told me your boyfriend may get married to someone else, but your husband won't. SO much truth to that. Even here when he's obviously not getting married hahah, even though he may not be the one for me I wouldn't be opposed if he was, someone else out there is. So just go on living and never forget to smile because you determine your own happiness. 
Love Tiffany Sally

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lovely Advice (atleast the attempt at it)

This ones a little long but so worth the read! I think...
A Healthy you: Drink plenty of water. It makes you happier. Its a proven fact in the mind of Tiff. Eat breakfast like a king, (lets get real its the best meal of the day.) lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. Except no one really does. Make sure to throw some chocolate ice cream in there too:) Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in your grandpas Wear house. Live with the 3 E’s - Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy.  Play more games. Read more books than you did in 2010. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. And ponder on the things that make you happy. Sleep for 7 hours. or five but thats just me haha. Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile. Show the world that your happy and loud and proud of it. 
Personality: BE YOUR SELF. Don't compare yourself to others. You don't have the same journey as them. So don't try to copy there's. It turns out bad every time. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control running through your mind. They only pull that beautiful spirit of yours down. Instead put your energy in something positive and fun. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. Life is supposed to be one big laugh. Treat it like one. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip. Dream more while you are awake. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. So don't be hatin;) No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. Smile and laugh more.
 Boys: Don't think about what might go wrong, think about what might go right! Even when your in love with your best friend and think they're the greatest thing that could have ever happened to you, just keep waiting, one day they'll pull around:) Love because the person makes you stand outside of yourself and look to see how truly amazing you are, Love because they make you want to be better, Love because when you see them your tummy smiles (butterflies), Love because you can tell them absolutely anything and they'll LISTEN, Love because you know you can throw on sweats no make up show up to there house and they still think your the most beautiful girl in the world. Love because the person makes you HAPPY.
Key to happiness: Each day do something good for others. Forgive everyone for everything. There is no point in grudges. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6. They're the ones with the most creativity and something funny happens every time your with them. There's no harm in a laugh:) Try to make at least three people smile each day. What other people think of you is none of your business. You shouldn't care anyways. Stay in touch with the people that mean the most. Do the right thing! Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. If not it pulls ya down like a dead weight.
 However good or bad a situation is, it will change. So be ready for the unexpected. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. Because like my mom always says, "sometimes it hurts to be beautiful." The best is yet to come. Your Inner most is always happy. at least it should be. So, be happy. and.. SMILE!
I hope you all enjoyed this post. Ha im doin my best to make them interesting. If you have any advice for me please comment! Love always Tiffany Sally

Monday, October 17, 2011

There's a first time for everything!

I'm almost positive that it is going to be a big adventure all in itself. A complete train wreck.
I made this blog to show the ups and downs of the story book of Tiffany, (hense the roller coaster of my life) to give advice to those who may need it, and trying to sound intelligent while doing it, and to voice the thoughts that we all know go through every teenage girl's minds but go unsaid. Here, is the journal to my heart. My dear prophet President Hinckley once said that each one of us should keep a journal. But lets get real, I have awful hand writing and I forget every night before I go to bed. BUT I do spend a crap load of time on this computer and I'm bound to write all the thoughts going through this crazy mind of mine down with this sweet little thing to help me out. I go around stalking random girls blogs getting new idea's each and everyday but what do I have to show for it? nothing. Today I was going through one girls blog in particular and I was inspired. I want this blog to be inspirational to every girl, to know that we are all beautiful, strong, intelligent, (maybe in our own way) and daughters of god. So here we go onto the next loop of Tiffany Sally's life. KEEP CALM, WEAR YOUR TIARA.
