Monday, October 17, 2011

There's a first time for everything!

I'm almost positive that it is going to be a big adventure all in itself. A complete train wreck.
I made this blog to show the ups and downs of the story book of Tiffany, (hense the roller coaster of my life) to give advice to those who may need it, and trying to sound intelligent while doing it, and to voice the thoughts that we all know go through every teenage girl's minds but go unsaid. Here, is the journal to my heart. My dear prophet President Hinckley once said that each one of us should keep a journal. But lets get real, I have awful hand writing and I forget every night before I go to bed. BUT I do spend a crap load of time on this computer and I'm bound to write all the thoughts going through this crazy mind of mine down with this sweet little thing to help me out. I go around stalking random girls blogs getting new idea's each and everyday but what do I have to show for it? nothing. Today I was going through one girls blog in particular and I was inspired. I want this blog to be inspirational to every girl, to know that we are all beautiful, strong, intelligent, (maybe in our own way) and daughters of god. So here we go onto the next loop of Tiffany Sally's life. KEEP CALM, WEAR YOUR TIARA.


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. You and your ways.... Have fun with your creativity!:)
