Monday, November 28, 2011

You had a lover in second grade too.

Could this be a more awful day to introduce my first love?
I really don't think so.
So I'm gonna share with you two of my first loves. I promise that's possible, let me explain:)

First Love Numero Uno: (keep in mind this a second graders perspective)
Jace Gibb. I sat diagonally from you at our table in the second grade class of Mrs. Humphries. You wore a banana yellow Abercrombie & Fitch shirt that made my heart melt. You were the nicest boy in class and the second I walked into class I decided we were getting married. Heck, I probably had our wedding colors picked out. I chased you around at lunch all over the playground and my best friend kicked you to get your attention. Yet you still liked me. I tried to play basketball and acted like I was really good. Which you believed because I was a solid three inches taller than you. (i've always been a giant.) And then the second grade ended I didnt see my "Jaceica" anymore. Have no fear I came up with that nickname all on my own. Third grade came and I decided if I wanted to marry you we would have to become best friends.  So thats exactly what I did. But we still liked eachother. I liked the boy from second to the beginning of eighth and im not even over exaggerating. Incase anyone is wondering I saw him like.. A week ago and he is FINALLY taller than me. He hit puberty and when he started speaking im pretty sure my jaw dropped to the ground. And he's super attractive and looks like Taylor Lautner. Yes. I have had a good eye since second grade.
First Love Numero Dos:
You have all heard of him one million times and I guarantee that you all know exactly who I'm talking about. Cannon. The most perfect boy in the world. But  I am slowly but surely realizing that he is not as perfect as he paints himself to be. But he really truly was my "first love". He gave me a really good relationship to lean on and learn from and I honestly had the best time with him. He made me happier than I had and have ever been. I am forever grateful to him for that. But all good things have to end eventually.  Which really. Im gonna be straight up with you, It sucks. Hard core. But I guess everything happens for a reason. Im stealing a sentence from this amazing girly's blog real fast.but even he, will probably lie to you. and his lips might have more friends than just yours.
but hey, it's really not the end of the world. Hahaha. She is right. Even he, the boy that you trusted with your everything, your best friend. will lie to you. It's just the way it goes. But please nobody think that im hate'n on him. I love him i really do. He's a good kid. that makes stupid decisionsAnd, I'm grateful for everything I have learned from him.

Sorry this one was so long. But when Im talking about this kind of stuff, you should all know by now, I can't stop. So maybe we'll talk about this another day when I don't absolutely hate my boy life.

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